Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Chairman Budziak out as Planning Chair; Town Insurance Agent Allen DeForrest In

Chairman Reno Budziak has resigned as Chairman of the town of Ulster Planning board. Rumor has it Budziak resigned after a dispute with Supervisor Jim Quigley regarding the Ulster Garden development, or as we like to call it Roundout Gardens North, that has been proposed in the town of Ulster.

So who is the new Chairman? None other than Allan DeForrest who was appointed to replace Budziak by Supervisor Quigley.

Fellow town of Ulster residents may hear bells go off in their head when they read that name. That's because Mr. DeForrest also carries the town's insurance. Can someone say CONFLICT OF INTEREST???

What we have now in place thanks to Supervisor Transparency, is a planning board Chairman who is essentially beholden to the Supervisor and put in a tough position. Is Mr. DeForrest required to look in what is in the best interest of the town and it's needs or the Supervisor who awarded him an insurance contract?

Lets say for argument sake and this figure could be wrong, that Mr. DeForrest gets a $30,000 commission for being the agent responsiable for the town's insurance, is he going to risk losing that money by coming out and saying anything negative about Roundout Gardens North, a development that Quigley clearly is advocating for, as was evident at the public hearing last night?  I think not, or at the very least there is the appearance of impropriety and that is an issue for Quigs who ran on being fair and transparent.

If it walks like a Supervisor that's being sneaky and quacks like a Supervisor who's being sneaky, more than likely we as residents of the town have a supervisor that is sneaky and really ballsy.


  1. Here is a guy who can not win an election, but is always appointed to positions because he a good Republican. Quigley made a bad choice here.

    1. I thought Reno ran on the same ticket as Woerner in 05'?

  2. I think you may have your facts incorrect, Mr.Blogger. I do not believe Mr. Deforest is the TOU's insurance provider. As for the new development that is looking to enter the town, putting some revenue back into the town's pocket via taxes doesn't sound so bad to me the taxpayer. I welcome any type of housing or business that is going to be on the tax roles, because lets face it the people already paying their fair share can't afford to carry the load anymore. Tight wads looking for tax breaks via PILOT or any other bullshit name that doesn't put taxes into the system are done, Quigley is doing things correctly. The problem seems to be that the one developer that had the limelight for all those corrupt years is out. It is time to do things correctly, helping the town entirely with its housing for seniors and creating additional revenue for the town to function. Anyone that has a problem with fixing past practice and doing things the right way should cut their losses and move, preferably far away. Your blog truly sucks and I highly doubt you will even publish this comment because your obviously the biggest hypocrite of all!!!

    1. Problem with this comment is that Quigley has already stated the new developer will receive tax credits (PILOT and 581-a). This same developer negotiated a 40-yr PILOT with his affordable senior housing in Ellenville -- what kind of sweet deal will he get with affordable senior AND affordable multi-family units in Ulster? He will accept Sect. 8 tenants for the multi-family units -- so, it looks like Safety Net costs will increase for the town.

    2. Aaron was going to pay 50k above and beyond what he owed to settle with the city. He was not offering 50k. Don't listen to the Daily Disappointment to get your news.

    3. The problem with the replies 6:33 & 8:18 is that they are false and the replies that were pulled by the author were much closer to the truth. Which leads me to believe that either the blog is run by Aaron himself or that Woerner is working for him again! Either way they are probably scheming ways to raid the town city and county coffers again.

  3. Sour Grapes or BLOG author you choose. This news is so wrong. You do not even state facts, you shoot from the hip with ridiculous nonsense. You probably haven't been successful in life. You've probably never been able to hold a job, or own a home or have a family. You may still live at home with your parents who knows. I do admit I look at this crap just keep myself entertained at times so maybe I enable you by posting a comment. However if you were to post facts instead of fiction like the life you are living in, maybe you would have people tuning into this 2nd rate blog site.

  4. Sour grapes can't begin to explain why anyone would spend so much time thinking about one man, the blogger must have Quigley OCD, he might have lost an election or gotten ostrasized in his home town and found that his questionable actions and friends destroyed his career before it even got started.
    What he should do is move to a state where no one has ever heard of him and start a new life for himself, at least he'll have a year or two of acceptance before they get to know him and more importantly he'll be giving the people of Ulster & Kingston a break.

  5. Didn't Woerner appoint that thief Ozzie TIMELY SIGNS Bichert to the planning board? Talk about your conflict of Interest, Having a hand in deciding who builds and who doesn't, GEE I guess if I order my signs from Ozzie 'MAYBE' Just 'Maybe' he'll vote in favor of my development.
    WOerner You want to know why you lost to Quigley so badly, just read the minutes of 'every' Town Board meeting from the 1st day of your inauguration. 'It's in there'!

  6. This blog is by the same author as the old that was run by Woerner in 2007 when
    he ran for his second re-election and got killed by Quigley.
    He tried the same smear tactics then, all lies as well and it looks like Woerner has future plans in Ulster because he's trying it again with this piece of crap , all lies blog.
    Does he honestly think that residents of Ulster have forgotten the bag of crap he left this town, all the crooked deals, all the favors for his friends and family. 2007 wasn't that long ago. Ulster Truth was as much a pack of lies as this one.

  7. I see a ton of bullshit on this site, its so ridiculous! If you want to get any where with this site start blogging about items that have merit in this town, and please facts only. Leave your DR.Suess imagination at home to take a nap! Your fantasy world ended two elections ago. Good Luck in your next lifetime.
