Friday, March 30, 2012

Ulster Comptroller's Office: Supervisor Quigs Stop Breaking the Law

 Thankfully the buck does not Stop w Mr. Quigley!

 Freeman Story

Ulster Deputy Comptroller lambasted Supervisor Jim Quigley for breaking the law as it relates to properly reporting social service figures. Supervisor Quigley who tells people at board meetings "he has the County under control", apparently does not have the control of  the People's Watch Dog Elliott Auerbach, who beat Quigley in 2008 to get the job.

“We feel that you have misled your constituents in presenting a budget without accounting for a known, non-discretionary expense and recommend you take action to correct the budget immediately,”

-Joe Eriole, Ulster County Deputy Comptroller

Quigley claims that he is paying for costs in a different way that the county does not like. Mr. Quigley has a history of doing things his way, (Unless Senator Skelos calls, then he is more like the puppy a few posts down, Quigs and gop attack puppy Kenny Ronk like to go on walks together according to several Ulster Report sources.) just ask him about the additional title he gave to Maloney, until the state told him it was, what's that word I am looking for? Oh right, Illegal! ..more details on that this week.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


The staff at The Ulster Report heard that Supervisor James Quigley wants to run in the newly created state Senate district that has our town in an open seat. However when Supervisor Quigley made inquires with top GOP brass he was swiftly shot down and told that he would be buried if he ran for the seat. Seems the GOP has other plans for our Senate seat and it does not involve our esteemed Supervisor's ambitious political career. Can you say: Asemblyman Amador? I guess there are still things money can't buy.


Alen Sorenson on hydrofraking and try not to laugh, Potential conflicts of interests. Surly you jest, Mr. Sorensen!

The staff at The Ulster Report literally feel off our chairs when Allen Sorensen suggested that the Sullivan County ethics policy be updated to avoid a potential conflict of interest regarding Hydrofraking. Mr. Sorensen who appears to be against Hydrofraking, needs to be consistent and agree to a full environmental review of Ulster Garden's North and he needs to recuse himself from the project. The town of Ulster Planning Board is the lead agency on this project; between the conflict Sorensen may have with Mandelbaum, and the fact the town insurance guy is the newly minted head of the planning board there is at the very least an appearance of a conflict and special favors with Ulster Gardens.

With Alan DeForrest and Allen Sorensen being in charge of this project; Ulster Supervisor Jim Quigley should appoint Micheal Vick as the new Dog officer of our town.